has just gone thru an overhaul.  The site is dedicated to help keep your kids away from what most people do not want their kids to have access to. Many people including myself have thought about the best ways to protect your kids from accidentally typing in or searching for that wrong term that brings them to content deemed inappropriate. has been around for some time and only commands 1.5-5% of the search market.  The plus side is they have been in the search market a long time and know their way round by now.  The main page of is a a simple search engine page with drawing ability on the page itself and a lot of clickable links for kids.  When searching, links are presented in a very fashionable, simple way, making it easy to read.  The right side bar also gives a quick definition of the word you are searching for and also lists related educational links on the left, bringing the site into an educational focus.  There are also multiple links on the main page for school, movies, images and games.  When you type something inappropriate it comes up with a page which simply says "Your Search Did Not Match Any Web Results."  The idea is a great one to point your kids to when they are using the web and you turn away for those few minutes.  Set it up as your main search engine on a kids profile and you can feel a little safer that your kids are not stumbling into a site they shouldn’t be.  You do have a kids profile right?
