ifi xDSD – Amazing Audio from Android or iPhone
I show you a portable DAC you can use on the go with iPhone, Android phones, Mac, PC and more. Ifi...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | May 25, 2018 | Reviews | 0 |
I show you a portable DAC you can use on the go with iPhone, Android phones, Mac, PC and more. Ifi...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Aug 3, 2015 | How To's | 0 |
Many of you have asked how to use more complex audio features in iMovie for iPhone and iPad. In...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Mar 16, 2015 | How To's | 0 |
In this video I go over adding audio in iMovie. I show you how to add music, sound effects, and voice overs to your movie....
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Aug 18, 2014 | Reviews | 0 |
Henge Docks has been making some great accessories for the Mac for years. They have recently released a new iPhone and iPad dock called Gravitas. We take a look at it in our comprehensive review. http://hengedocks.com...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Aug 30, 2013 | Reviews | 0 |
The GoGroove BlueSync OR3 is a wireless speaker that utilizes A2DP Bluetooth v2.1+EDR for high-fidelity audio. It allows you wireless stream audio from your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac, Android, Windows Phone, or any other...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Jul 10, 2013 | Featured Articles, Overviews, Unboxing | 0 |
The GoGroove BlueSync OR3 is a wireless speaker that utilizes A2DP Bluetooth v2.1+EDR for...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Jan 21, 2013 | Featured Articles, Reviews | 0 |
I’ve been using the Bose SIE2i Sport Headphones for about a month now and have had an overall very positive experience. I listed to many different styles or genres of music and I have to say these headphones are...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | May 28, 2012 | Featured Articles, Reviews | 0 |
We take a look at the DBEST Solo Rechargeable Bluetooth Mini Speaker. The speaker connects to your phone or bluetooth device and projects the sound into the room. The sound is surprisingly loud and pretty clear for such a...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Apr 23, 2012 | Featured Articles, Reviews, Unboxing | 0 |
iHome keeps coming out with some great devices to accompany just about any iDevice you might have. The iW2 is their latest Airplay speaker that allows you connect and play music wirelessly when connected to your home network....
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Mar 29, 2011 | Featured Articles, How To's, Overviews | 4 |
I thought I would show everyone how you can record your voice as I do sometimes with my videos using the iPad or iPad 2. All you need is an iPad, USB Mic and the Camera Connection kit. Check out the video for all the details....
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Mar 10, 2011 | Comparisons, How To's, Overviews | 0 |
I install the ProClip for iPhone 4 into a 2010 Prius. The mount is made for your specific vehicle and is quite a nice product. Check out the video for all the details after the break: [ProClip]...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Mar 3, 2011 | Featured Articles, Unboxing | 0 |
In this video I unbox the iHome portable music dock for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. It has a nice aluminum construction and comes equipped with a long lasting lithium polymer battery. Check out the unboxing for all the...
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