Tag: blu ray

Finally We Get What We Pay For, Buy Now, Watch Now From Amazon

  You know when you buy a DVD and want to watch it on the go, you rip the DVD and then move it to your iPod or a hard drive so you can have it when and where you want it.  That practice is technically illegal because the movie industry doesn’t get it.  So in walks some people who do get it; Amazon.  They are now offering on select titles the ability to instantly stream a DVD or Blue-ray you purchased before you even receive it.  

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Blu-ray Coming To MacBooks On Tuesday


  This rumor is pretty much a given or will be at some point.  Kevin Rose has let it slip that the new MacBooks coming on Tuesday will have the option of a Blu-ray drive.  This was said during a live recording of Diggnation and there is no reason to doubt this claim.  We have had claims of support in the next update of OS X and since Blu-ray is the winning format this is only the logical next step for movies and storage on the Mac.


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