Tag: cocoa

New Build of Snow Leopard Includes New Quicktime, Safari 4 and Cocoa Desktop


  Apple released a new build of Snow Leopard not too long ago and they have just updated and released a new build for devlopers.  Aside from the obvious bug fixes, the new build (10A286), contains an update to Quicktime which is more minimalist and focused on playback.  This version of Snow Leopard also includes Safari 4 as default and Finder includes a new Cocoa Desktop, Info Window and Contextual Menu. 


[Update] – Again, World of Apple reports that Apple has seeded yet another build (9J27) of Snow Leopard to developers which included 8 fixes to the previous version.  Does this mean we will see the retail version soon?  We hope so, but it’s hard to tell the exact time of release other than this year.


[via worldofapple]

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