Tag: demonstration

MobileMe iDisk App Released For iPhone


  In case you have not yet heard, APple today released a new iDisk app for iPhone.  If you use MobileMe and use the iDisk 20GB’s of storage than this app provides some very handy access to your files.  The best part is the app is free.  The video above is Apple’s demonstration of what the app does and how it works.  I have been using it for the day and have to say I find it very convenient to have access to 20GB of storage online at all times.  MobileMe after much criticism has continually gained some very respectable features and is finally proving its worth.


[MobileMe iDisk App]

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New Touchscreen Blackberry Thunder Caught on Video



  The upcoming touchscreen phone from Blackberry called "Thunder" was caught on video and above is the demonstration.  The phone has a full touch screen and only 4 tactile buttons on its front.  When you press the screen it moves in a little and gives a slight vibration to give a little tactile feedback.  The screen features multi-touch and is made of glass.  See the video for more details.

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