Tag: earth

Mac Bundle Box is Back With 12 Apps for $49


  If you missed out on the Mac Update bundle or Macheist bundle or you just like getting a good deal on apps, Mac Bundle Box is back.  For a mere $49 you get $458.59 worth of applications.  This time the applications differ for the most part from what had been out for some time with these bundles.  Not only is this a good deal, but they donate 10% of all bundle revenue to Charity: Water, an organization that brings fresh, clean drinking water to the one billion people on earth that don’t have access to it.

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Apple Reveals Top 20 Paid and Free Apps of All Time


  As we await the 1-billionth download from the app store and the associated winner, Apple has posted the top selling and free apps of all time.  In iTunes on the 1-Billionth countdown page, they give a rundown of the top apps.  In the top 5 paid apps are Crash Bandicoot Nitro Cart, Koi Pond, Enigmo, Bejeweled 2 and iBeer.  The top 5 free apps are Facebook, Google Earth, Pandora Radio, Tap Tap Revenge, and Shazam.  You can see the full list in the iTunes App Store [Here]

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Apple Announces Top App Store Apps


  Apple has announced the top apps downloaded for 2008.  The list is fairly long, but the top is mainly filled with games and social apps.  Unsurprisingly, Facebook, AIM, Google Earth, Enigmo and Super Monkey Ball are among the top of the list.  The page listing the top apps in iTunes consists of 120 different applications and are broken down into top games, utilities etc.  With the NDA lifted and experience in development growing, we should see some great apps in 2009.


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Google Earth Comes To iPhone an iPod Touch


  Now you can have the world in your pocket.  Google has just released Google Earth for the iPhone and iPod touch.  All the goodness of the full version is available on the app store and with the iPhone and iPod touch you can tilt it to adjust your view.  You can browse geo-tagged photos and grab locations from wikipedia articles.  It’s a nice little tool for all of us to find locations and look about the world when we have nothing else to do or are curious about what the world has to offer.



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Power From Space Could Soon Be A Reality


  The thought of turning solar energy from space into electricity and beaming it back to earth goes back to the days of Sim City 2000.  This technology could be in a our near future as scientists now think this possible with current technology.  Scientists believe that satellites rotating around the earth could beam down 5-10 gigawatts of continuous, renewable energy.  Mr. Bova in a recent article with the Washington Post believes just one of these satellites could power all of California. 

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