Tag: g1

doubleTwist Brings iTunes Functionality to Most of Your Devices


  If you have wanted to use iTunes, but have strayed away from the ever popular iPhone & iPod, doubleTwist is here to help.  The new app, which is currently in public beta, allows you to simply drag and drop your music and video to your device just like iTunes.  The supported device list is quite good right now and looks like the app the various other devices have needed for a very long time.  Watch the video for all the information and check out the other features it offers as well.  See the supported device list after the jump:


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Android is Here, T-Mobile Releases The G1


  Android is now available via the T-Mobile G1 which is for sale as of today.  You can go get them while they last for $179.99 with a 2 year service contract.  While this is still no iPhone, it is a worthy competitor in that it can basically do everything the iPhone can and more, due to its open source operating system, but lacks the refinement of some upscale phones.  The G1 and Android offer some interesting possibilities and does not have filtered apps like that of the iPhone.  We can’t wait to see what is done with Android as it matures and acquires refinement.

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