Tag: hero

Android Just Got Cheaper – Hero and Moment Drop To $100 at Best Buy


  If you happen to be on Sprint or are eyeing a new Android phone, your motivation has just been given a push.  The HTC Hero running the beautiful version of htier Touch UI has just been lowered to a very reasonable $99.  The Samsung Moment, which sports a nice slide out keyboard, but lacks any special GUI for Android, also gets the price cut to $99.  The catch is you have to pick them up at Best Buy with a 2-year contract.  Not such a bad deal if you planned to take the plunge anyway.  There are also no annoying rebates to deal with when picking up these handsets from Best Buy. 


[via Businesswire]

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Flash 10.1 Coming To Just About Every Smart Phone Except iPhone


  The day of the phone that can do just about everything using the interweb is just around the corner. WHile only a few phones can use Flash at this point such as the new HTC Hero, most do not have such a simple feature.  Adobe in the video below demonstrates the Flash integration of the Palm Pre.  The beta should be here before the years end for both the WebOS platform and Windows Mobile.  Android and RIM will have Flash available next year.  iPhone at this point is the one platform that looks like it will never support Flash.  This alone may get some people to switch, but then again maybe not.


See the video after the jump

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