Tag: i5

Core i5 MacBook Pro Coming Soon According To Intel Contest

  According to a new post from Faq-Mac.com[Translated], Intel has sent an email to members of its Intel Retail Edge program with the chance to win a new MacBook Pro.  The interesting thing about the contest is that it details some specifications we have not yet seen as part of the MacBook lineup.  The contest shows a Core i5 based MacBook Pro.

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Deals.Woot Offers Wooters A Community For The Best Deals

  In case you have not Wooted before, Woot! offers a daily deal for a random product.  Sometimes the deal is a great deal and other times it has a decent price, but is nothing you would ever want.  Now enter Deals.Woot!  The new site offers members of its community a way to find the best deals by submitting them, voting on them and occasionally selling the deal.  The community can even suggest an item to Woot!  All of this sounds very interesting and my brief time with it shows some pretty decent deals.

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