Tag: mac rumors

Video Recording Interface Found In 3.0 Show New Features For Upcoming iPhone


  A developer was messing around with some configuration files which fooled the 3.0 beta software for iPhone to think a video camera was present.  As we and others have posted, we have a pretty firm confirmation that video will be an option in the next iPhone.  The screenshot shows a switch between still or video capture and has an "auto-focus camera", "magnetometer" (digital compass), and "Voice Control".


This summer should show the release of the final 3.0 firmware along with new version(s) of hardware.


[Mac Rumors]

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MacBook Mini Rumors Surface Along With Pictures


  We have heard this rumor over and over, but this time the images and rumors come from a Russian magazine which also gives us specs on the so-name, MacBook Mini.  Although we don’t know how real or true the specifications are, it is not unlikely that Apple is working on such a MacBook.  If such a MacBook Mini were to be released, the speculation says it would retail for $899.00, which is way out of netbook range and questionable for such a price as it comes awful close to the MacBook price range.


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Prototype iPhone Hits Ebay


  It is a fairly rare thing for us to see into the process in which Apple creates its alluring products.  Today we have a prototype that shows us not only the beginning of the iPhone, but also an early version of software running on the iPhone.  The current bid as of this writing is $735 and with 2 days left we will assume that price will sky rocket up from there.  The screens below show what looks similar to the iPhone diagnostic screens on the current iPhone.  We hope to see many more examples of such prototypes in the future.  See more photos after the jump:

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New iPhone Just Around The Corner?


  The latest update to the iPhone firmware hints at a new model in the works.  Within the code Apple has always used different numbers to represent the iPhone models.  For example,  "iPhone 1,1" is the original iPhone while the 3G iPhone is labeled "iPhone 1,2".  The new label is now "iPhone 2,1", and confirms a change is coming soon.  If Apple is using the same schedule it has used for the past couple of iPhone releases, then we could count on a June or July release. 


Mac Rumors also notes that:


"Meanwhile, at least one developer has noticed actual "iPhone2,1" models in use based on PinchMedia ad serving reports. (Other numbers blurred out)."


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Apple Allows 3rd Party Web Browsers For App Store


  From the start of the App Store, Apple has been fuzzy on what’s allowed and what is not.  Many developers have strayed away due to Apple not allowing many programs which  "duplicate functionality" of their own apps onto the precious iPhone experience.  Apple is now allowing new browsers and hopefully will give way to Opera, Firefox and others and we can finally get Flash support. For now, this is good news, but we will have to wait and see exactly what Apple allows to go onto its App Store.  Here’s to an even brighter future…

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AT&T Confirms Tethering Finally Coming iPhone


  The one thing many of us have wanted from their iPhone which other smart phones offer, is a way to connect your phone to a laptop and use ita internet connection.  There was one app which made an attempt at this, Netshare.  That app was quickly shut down by Apple (AT&T?).  So now comes comfirmation via the AT&T CEO, Ralph De La Vega, that tethering is coming to the iPhone.  All we can say is, it’s about time.  Mac Rumors also believes the tethering ability will be in the 2.2 firmware update.


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Today’s MacBooks Have A Few Confirmations


  The MacBooks being released later today have a few confirmations from Daring Fireball we thought we would share:


1.  The trackpad on the MacBook and the MacBook Pro are indeed buttonless and are interestingly made of glass.

2.  MacBook Air will be updated with a 120GB drive or a 128GB SSD.

3.  MacBook and MacBook Pro will be available with a Glossy-only screen

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Blu-ray Coming To MacBooks On Tuesday


  This rumor is pretty much a given or will be at some point.  Kevin Rose has let it slip that the new MacBooks coming on Tuesday will have the option of a Blu-ray drive.  This was said during a live recording of Diggnation and there is no reason to doubt this claim.  We have had claims of support in the next update of OS X and since Blu-ray is the winning format this is only the logical next step for movies and storage on the Mac.


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iPhone Already Sells 10 Million, At Least We Think So


  Mac Observers AFB has been hard at work tracking the current iPhone sales by keeping a database of the IMEI or serial number of the iPhone.  According to their database, sales for the iPhone have reached 10 million units and continue to grow.  This number could be referring to the amount shipped, but considering some places still occasionally have lines for the iPhone we are going to bet they have sold close to the 10 million mark.


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