Tag: steve jobs

Steve Jobs, Thank You

As many of you know it has been a few days since Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple passed away.  While there will be tribute and many kind words on everything from television, websites and radio, I wasn’t sure what to say.  I...

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Apple Tablet Coming Early 2010…Again


  At this point it has been years of speculation and rumor about a tablet to be released by Apple.  Current information says that Steve Jobs has finally signed off on the design and it is being prepped for an early January to March release of 2010.  According to Apple Insider the project as been on and off again for 4 years or so with various revision.  This time it looks like we will finally get a device somewhere between an iPhone and MacBook that will be an all-in-one device.  There is little information available at this point, but the market is ready for a reasonable priced revolutionary tablet Mac.  Lets hope this rumor does not get extended over and over.

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Apple Netbook Coming 3rd Quarter 2009?

  This rumor has been around for quite some time and Steve Jobs himself said they have looked into it, but not interested at the time.  Apparently Apple has realized that the market demands more affordable notebooks from every manufacturer.  The company Wintek has supposedly stated they are making the touch panels for a new netbook which would be released in the 3rd quarter of 2009.  The rumor is substantial as it comes from Digitimes, who has been accurate in the past. 


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Apple Finally Working With Adobe For Flash on The iPhone & iPod Touch


  At long last we have confirmation that Apple finally sees that one major deterring factor for their iPhone is the lack of Adobe’s Flash.  Apple has long claimed "the web in your pocket", which is only partially true, because half of the web uses flash to play media.  


Steve Jobs has said that Flash is too much for a mobile processor and Flash Lite does not deliver enough to satisfy the consumer.  Adobe’s Chief, Shantanu Narayen was recently quoted in an interview saying:


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Steve Jobs Takes A Break Until June


  It is no mystery what Steve Jobs has been through as far as health is concerned.  After his recent letter explaining some of his health issues and why he missed MacWorld, Steve has once again let Apple employees know of his whereabouts.  Lets hope all goes well and he returns as planned.The following is from the letter sent to his employees:



Apple CEO Steve Jobs today sent the following email to all Apple employees:


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Every 30GB Zune Froze At 2AM Dec 31st


  Apparently every 30GB Zune has frozen as of 2AM December 31st 2008.  In a strange down turn of events for Zune, it appears the Y2K-like bug may have taken a bite out of the old Zunes.  When people turned on their Zunes today, they were greeted with a loading screen which never stops loading.  The Zune forum is loaded with this problematic event occurring to many Zune owners.  There is no fix yet from Microsoft, but they have acknowledged that the problem exists.  It seems that a few people on the Zune team will unfortunately not get to enjoy their New Years Eve, or this could be a Steve Jobs-Esque way of saying, "get a new Zune every year".


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Macworld 2009 To Be Apple’s Last


  In a very surprising announcement, Apple will forego Macworld Expo via a press release today.  Philip Schiller will be delivering the keynote in favor of Steve Jobs.  According to Apple, "Apple has been steadily scaling back on trade shows in recent years, including NAB, Macworld New York, Macworld Tokyo and Apple Expo in Paris."  Does this mean it is also the last year for Jobs?  This is quite a shock as Macworld has been a major show for Apple for years.  Lets hope they have some interesting news at Macworld 2009 and plans to do something different.

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