Xbox One X – Unboxing and Comparison
Xbox One X is out and I unbox and compare it with the Xbox One S. Gear I used to make this video:...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Nov 7, 2017 | Comparisons, Overviews, Unboxing | 0 |
Xbox One X is out and I unbox and compare it with the Xbox One S. Gear I used to make this video:...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Dec 19, 2013 | Comparisons, Reviews | 2 |
The Playstation 4 and Xbox One have been out a couple week and so I thought it time to share with you my thoughts on which is better and why in my opinion. I give my experience with each controller, go over the details of each...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Dec 4, 2013 | How To's | 1 |
If you ever have the need to return, sell or give away your Xbox Onethis guide will help you reset your Xbox One to factory default. Resetting the Xbox One to factory default is much simpler than the Xbox 360 was to reset. ...
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Nov 26, 2013 | Comparisons | 0 |
Xbox One was just released and brings quite a few changes with it. The obvious difference is the hardware and in this video I do a comparison between the Xbox One and the Xbox 360 Slim or “S” model....
Read Moreby Aaron Zollo | Nov 22, 2013 | Unboxing | 1 |
After 8 years, Microsoft’s new console, the Xbox One is finally here. The Xbox One boasts some impressive specs, and features an all new, improved Kinect sensor. Watch as I unbox the Xbox One and show you everything that...
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